Wagga Portrait & Commercial Photographer Justine Brentnall invites you to follow the journey of her practice and take you behind the scenes to see it happening.

Mums In View [ Part 2 ]

Here is a preview of another one of the five beautiful mums in the 'Mums In View' Project. I loved this shoot and there were some great images that came out of this one.

An excerpt from the book..........

We are all used to seeing our mothers with messy hair, no makeup, and at times dressed like she’s never seen a mirror. It’s life. We don’t all wake up looking like we stepped off a catwalk. If a child looked at a photo that showed them with their mum, engaged in something they would look back at in years to come as a sentimental memory, they would only see their mum. They wouldn’t care whether her hair, makeup, and clothes were on point that day or not. The way they read that photo will be completely different to the way mum would read it, and anyone else for that matter. Each person brings something different to the way they read a photo, so where mothers may see flaws, children see their mum - they see through loving eyes their own experience of her as they have always known her. Equally, people around her see her through their own subjective experience. If there’s a photo that we don’t like of ourselves and we want to get rid of it, but another says they love it, before you destroy it, realise that they love it because they actually do. There is no one way to read a photo, it’s a subjective experience.'

Mums In View - by Justine Justine Brentnall